Thursday, May 21, 2015

So, like, what do you do all day?

Okay, I've gotten asked this question enough as of late to inspire yet another new post this week. Friends, family, acquaintances, etc... hear about my new life and eventually they ask the same question. "So, like, what do you do all day?"

Well, you see, I sit in my pajamas eating pints of ice cream, drooling, and staring at the walls for hours on end waiting for them to bleed. What else would I do?

No, in all seriousness, I know that those who ask aren't trying to insult me, but it sure does end up doing so. I am an only child, therefore, I have always been really good at entertaining myself and finding productive things to do to preoccupy my free time. Since I've been waiting for Fall semester and had zero luck at finding a job until it starts, I have had nothing but free time and apparently people are curious about how I spend it. So here goes.

For starters, as some of you may know, I am interning for an online fashion magazine and write articles for it weekly. Of course, this only takes up so much of my time.

I make myself wake up at about 8 AM, even though in reality I could sleep in every day if I wanted to. If I sleep too long, however, I get really grumpy. It's important to wake up at a decent hour and kick start your day. Waking up earlier, even when you don't have to, allows your brain to be more active and productive throughout the day. (Or so I have found.)

Sometimes, I start my day with a little bit of yoga to stretch out any sore muscles I have from going to the gym so often. Then, I turn on that beautiful Keurig and while waiting for my coffee to brew, I make myself a healthy breakfast. (Sometimes breakfast is the only healthy meal I eat all day, so I make a habit out of it.)

While I eat, I usually surf the web or watch something on Netflix. I'm really into the show Young and Hungry right now. (HI-larious.)

Then, I check my e-mail and do whatever I may need to in the way of paying bills, checking on school, etc...

It's around this time that my mom calls me. We talk every day, sometimes for only ten minutes or so, sometimes over an hour. But it's so important I hear her voice at least once a day.

After that, I get myself ready and go to the gym for about two hours. I go back and forth between intense workouts and easier workouts because I go so often, my body gets pretty worn out. I end my workout with the sauna.

If I need to do any errands, after the gym is my go-to time to do that.

Once I return home, I have some lunch and write for a few hours. I'm currently working on my novel and I'm about halfway through it. Even though it gets hard and lonely sometimes having so much time to myself, I'm doing everything I can to just make the most of it. I know it won't last forever and come Fall when I'm drowning in 19 units of classes, I know I'll miss it. (Well, maybe.) I feel really grateful that I'm finally at a place in my life where I not only have time to write a novel like I've always wanted to do, but that I have the story for it as well.

At the end of the day I shower or take a relaxing bath, crawl into my PJs, and start dinner or do any other around the house chores that need to get done until my handsome future hubby comes home. We have dinner together and make a point to simply hang out and talk every single night instead of just constantly zoning out on the TV or something. One of my favorite parts of our relationship is that we have the ability to talk about everything and not only that, but the fact that we laugh constantly. We have fun together. Even if it's just a random Tuesday evening. And I'm reminded, every day, of how lucky I am to have found someone to share my life with, someone who makes life fun, even at such an idle time as this.

So, like, there ya go. That's, like, what I do all day. ;)

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