Monday, January 25, 2016

Snow day.

Everyone, and I do mean everyone, talked about this blizzard for the past two weeks. Claiming it would break records (and it did!) and it would certainly prevent East Coasters from venturing outside of their homes for the entire weekend.

I was skeptical... Today marks the day exactly one year ago that Jason and I finally drove across the country and arrived on the East Coast. On that day, there was another so-called "record-breaking snow storm", but we only ended up getting about 6 inches and it wasn't really record-breaking at all. Jonas 2016, however, lived up to it's heightened dramatics.

Looking out the window every few minutes, because I just couldn't bring myself to believe my own eyes, all I could see was a blur of white. Quarter-sized snowflakes falling frantically from the sky and then being whipped this way and that by mighty gusts of wind. Within hours, my car sat in the driveway completely covered by the snow.

"Would you like another Hot Toddy?" Jason would ask me, getting up to make his way to the kitchen.

Why, yes, handsome future hubby of mine, yes I would.

Buried in blankets and snuggled up with my purring, cuddly cat, Jason and I watched movie after movie as the snow made it's wild descent and engulfed our little corner of the world in sheets of white.

Later in the afternoon, I wrapped myself up in my warmest jacket, threw some boots on over my pajamas, and bounded out the door to play in the snow. Jason followed me, laughing, and once nearly waste-deep in the fluffy white snow, I found myself in a fit of giggles. Finally getting to know how it felt growing up in a place where snow like this came every year. Feeling like a little kid experiencing the wonder of snow for the first time. Marveling at how beautiful my street looks covered in white.

Living here is hard sometimes. Usually in those quiet moments when I'm on the train, sitting by myself, and my mom calls me as if she can feel that I need to hear her voice, hear some familiarity, and minutes later some ass hole comes up to me saying I need to get off my phone. It's also at those times when I all I want to do is go out and have some wine with my best friend and talk about all of the girly things I have to now make Jason endure listening through. Or when I'm walking by myself through a big, crowded city, making my way to my next class, and wishing the people here were easier to make friends with.

However, as hard as those times get, and as much as I won't miss them once back in California, it's on days like today when all of my classes are canceled at the last minute on account of SNOW, that I revel in living here. My first official snow day... Honestly, I never thought I'd have one of those.

I was nearly ready to walk out the door when Jason called me from the car on his way to work.

"Hey!" he said, as I silently panicked because I thought his car broke down or something. "Stop getting ready! Go back to bed! Your school got 28 inches of snow and canceled classes! Check your e-mail!"

Excitedly, I did just that.

My first official snow day... I think I'll build a snowman.

City Girl from Cali

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