Monday, February 22, 2016

You DO got this.

It's Monday again. The alarm clock goes off loudly, vibrating mockingly, next to my head. Groggily I hit "snooze" and can already feel that my eyes are swollen again. Why is it that I hit the ripe old age of 23 and suddenly I have skin issues, baggy eyes, and a grey hair that won't leave me alone no matter how many times I rip it from my scalp? When did I get so old?

Jason rolls over and pulls me into him. We both sigh. Then we spend the next ten minutes as we spend the first ten minutes of all our days-- trying to pretend that we don't, in fact, have responsibilities and can stay laying like this all day long. When the alarm goes off again, we both groan in annoyance, give each other a quick kiss, and pull ourselves out from the delicousness of the crisp, white sheets to feed the cat, turn on the coffee maker, and start our day. 

After washing my face and pulling myself together, I give myself my daily pep-talk. "Alright, Taylor. You can do this. You got this." Then that little voice... But I'm tired. I miss home. It's so cold here. "I know, I know. But you'll be home soon enough. Try and appreciate this time while it's still here because deep down you know that a small part of you will miss your big adventure. Now, baby steps... Pour yourself some coffee. Moisturize. Make some oatmeal. Curl your hair. Put a little make-up on. Choose something cute to wear. And smile... Today is going to be a good day."

I have this similar pep-talk with myself every single morning. Sometimes, it works. Others, it doesn't. Sometimes, I stay positive even when the snow rips parts of my car from itself, the train runs on a different schedule for whatever reason and causes me to be late to my first class, or even when I didn't check whether or not it was going to rain, forgot my umbrella, and didn't wear enough layers. Sometimes, I can even stay positive when the abrasive girl who always sits next to me in MIS (because she likes to copy my work) says something rude, demands I let her take a picture of my notes, and drops my notepad without saying "sorry" or attempting to pick it up. Sometimes, I can stay positive when my Econ professor gives me 0 on a homework assignment, a grade I clearly had not deserved, I try to talk to him about it, but because he's from New Jersey and no one here is allowed to be wrong or humbled, only gives me a mere 3 points for fear of completely losing his dignity. Sometimes, I can stay positive through all of that. 

Sometimes I can't.

Sometimes it hits me that moving across the country and going on this gigantic adventure has been a series of severe highs and severe lows. And sometimes when I ask myself if it's all worth it, I say no. But sometimes I say yes.

So... Then... What? 

So... Then... I keep moving. I work through the lows in the hopes that another high is lurking just around the corner. No, I don't mean a drug-induced high. I mean a life-induced high. Because that's what living is all about. This experience may not be everything that I had hoped. In fact, most of the time it's far from it. But sometimes... Every once in a while... It's so much more. It's more because I'm living. Maybe for the first time in my life.

And then, every once in a while, snow doesn't rip anything off of my car and it's a full 20 degrees warmer than yesterday. I surprise myself when 45 degrees feels "warm". I look in the mirror and see a girl who is brave, strong, and let her hair grow (finally). And it looks good long. Why did I never let it grow before? Sometimes I come across a rare happy, smililing, face on the train who takes my ticket and says, "Thank ya, darlin'!" And sometimes, on a really clear morning, I'll be sitting on the light rail and look to my left to find that glorious Empire State Building, standing as tall as ever, winking at me in the rising sun as if to say, "You DO got this, Taylor. You DO got this."

All for now... As always, thanks for reading.

City Girl from Cali

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just another Wednesday.

It's another Wednesday in the late afternoon where I have found myself in the train station's Track 5 waiting room, waiting for my train home. I know you love hearing about the strange things that go on around me so here goes--- woman just walked by carrying a backpack on her back that was literally bigger than she was and she looked like Harry Potter. I found it both impressive and a little bit terrifying. Especially since she sort of shoved the door open by doing a complete and total lunge. And now I want to have a Harry Potter marathon.

Today, I am in a good mood. I know, it's shocking. First of all, there was sushi left in the cafe at lunch today. Win. It wasn't spicy tuna, but I'll take what I can get and be grateful. Then, my professor ended class early allowing me to run and catch the 2:20 bus and, in turn, the 3:00 train home. Instead of having to sit at the station until 4:11 like I usually do after that class. Double win. And lastly, and most importantly, I learned last night that I'll be moving back to California in August.

Bomb. Dropped. Boom.

I know, you weren't expecting that. The thing is, it's only 3 months earlier than when Jason and I had originally planned on moving back, and it will allow me to get started on finishing school in a place that will be both better for my mental health and a hell of a lot cheaper. Triple win. I am Charlie Sheen. (Winning.)

A part of me, a very small part, is heart-sad because I feel like it won't be right of me to keep the tag name "City Girl from Cali" once I'm back in Cali. But we'll see. Maybe I'll keep rocking it anyway. Another part is sad that my favorite city in the world won't be a train ride away anymore. So Jason and I have already decided to take as many adventures as humanly possible in the next 6 months so I can really get my NY fix before we go back. 

It's strange. Living here has been the biggest part of my life for the past year now. I have changed and grown so much that I can't help but wonder what it will feel like when we move back home. I won't miss scraping ice off of my car or shivering at 7 AM on a train station platform, that's for sure. I also won't miss the people much. I won't miss them at all.

I think the lady sitting next to me is eavesdropping (eaves-reading?) on my post and it's really awkward so I'm gonna go ahead and end this here. 

Until next time,
City Girl from Cali