Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Settling in.

I think before coming here I subconsciously assumed that one day I would just be settled. That that would be that. I'd make a cup of coffee, curl up on our couch with it, and I'd just know, "Okay, here I am. Settled." But I've come to realize that settling in happens in bits and pieces. It takes time and patience. And yoga. And a lot of wine.
Things that still have me on the fence...
For starters, driving continues to terrify me. I'm not even slightly exaggerating when I say that the people here drive like they are on a mission to kill anyone and everyone in the cars around them. Between that and dodging potholes, I feel like I'm in some kind of video game whenever I drive. And I've never much cared for those.
The people are still taking some getting used to as well. Maybe it's not that they don't like me or that they don't like, you know, LIFE. Maybe they're just tired of trying to fight for their lives on the way to the grocery store, too. I don't blame them.
Also, it's getting warmer so the snow is melting. Now instead of being freezing with pretty white stuff everywhere, it's slightly warmer with ugly black stuff everywhere and, okay, I'm being really negative. I think it's because I'm hungry. Or maybe starting to understand these people's "sunny" disposition... Hm...
But all in all, I truly am settling in. I'm finding my way here with each passing day, even though that small dull ache of missing home probably won't go away until I go back home. Until I feel that California sun and squeeze my family, friends, and puppies tight. Still, I savor the moments when I actually run into someone nice who smiles at me. I find it pretty awesome that I don't have to get out of the car when I get gas. (Gas attendants. New Jersey thing.) I appreciate the sun (when it decides to come out), warming my skin, and sending dancing streams of light on my living room floor. I love being able to say "my living room floor". Because I have one of those. Because I'm living on my own now. I'm even memorizing the potholes on my street and don't have to look as much when dodging them. It's great. I'm getting better at the whole train thing. And I'm seriously looking forward to spring, which is just around the corner because, finally, I'll get to see a season change.
There's a lot of comfort in knowing that I'll continue to find my place here in the little things that were all so foreign to me when I first arrived. That being said, this very morning when I got up I made a cup of coffee and it felt like my coffee. I curled up on the couch and it felt like my couch. Not 100% settled, but a little more "warmed up". It felt like maybe one day soon I could even call this place home.

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