Friday, April 21, 2017


So, you guys are used to me writing when I'm sad... am I right? I think all writers take advantage of sadness in that way. It's easy to write when you're sad (and also not) because, well, you have a lot to say when you're sad.

Today, however, is a rarity. Today I am writing because I'm happy. (The fact that I'm writing because I'm happy is the rare thing, not being happy itself... just so we're clear.) In fact, I am so happy that I can't quite even calm down enough to write this. My hands move frantically over the keyboard nearly uncontrollably and thank the Lord right now for spell check.

Today, I found out two very unexpected and exciting things... that have led me to be way too excited about life in general...

First, I am getting a piano. It's barely going to fit in our already too-small apartment, but I don't care. We'll move someday. And this is a free piano. (Those don't come around often. Or, like, ever.) And I've always wanted my own piano. So this is a groundbreaking thing for me.

Second, I also found out that I am going to Cancun, Mexico with my ENTIRE family in December. We've gone about 6 or 7 times (How bougie do I sound? Not keeping track of how many times I've been to Cancun. So sorry.) with my family's timeshare and this year is the last year we have the timeshare. So everyone's going. Including me. And Jason. And I thought we couldn't. And now we can. Best graduation gift EVER. (Or best family ever.)

So.... because I can't quite believe it myself.... let's spell this out:

August: Jason's birthday, 4 year anniversary, Vegas Bachelor/Bachelorette Party, turning 25.

September: GETTING MARRIED, going to the BAHAMAS for my HONEYMOON.
(Yes, these required caps. Because I'm screaming them. I'm screaming them at the top of my freaking lungs, I'm so excited.)

December: Finishing my last semester of college EVER, going to CANCUN, and then GRADUATING. (In that order. Crap. So excited I just broke a key off my lap top.)

Life has been so hard. If you're frequent to this blog, I think you know that by now. And in the last few weeks (even before all of this amazing-ness coming up occurred to me/became a thing that was for sure happening) I have been feeling so overwhelming thankful for all of the good in my life---true family and true friends. I say true because, well, not everybody is. But the people who are, are so damn good at it, it just about knocks me clean off my feet.

It's so easy to focus on what we don't have. I know this is cliché, but it's true. It's so easy to forget about all of the good in our life when the bad starts to drown us. And that's okay. It's okay to let it drown us every once in a while because we're only human. But it's also important to consciously remember the good as often as we possibly can because no matter where you are in life, there is so much good to be thankful for. (Easy for me to say, right? Well, you'd be surprised.)

This year has put me through the ringer and it has taken me several therapy sessions to get to the point that I'm at right now---which isn't anywhere near "there", mind you, but it's a hell of lot better than "back there".

Come January when all of this excitement turns into a memory, and I'm faced with having to get a big girl job and put my big girl pants on... I'll read this post. I'll relish in its straightforward simplistic enthusiasm. I'll grimace at how it didn't all go exactly according to plan (because nothing ever does) and hopefully... I'll feel just as unbelievably thankful for my life as I do in this very moment.

Oh, and one more thing...

Thank you, God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.